Today Marks The Beginning Of An Adventure

"A couple walking together at a festival... Unused to wearing it, the girl's yukata comes loose... Otaku Days has begun."

Welcome to Otaku Days!

Ah, yes, the first post which marks the beginning of the journey - the adventure - filled with hours of some of Japan's best entertainment and, of course, heart-stopping amounts of caffeine.

I want to thank you for taking this journey with me, for without you, it wouldn't nearly be as fun!
So, sit back, relax, grab your bowl of instant ramen and let us begin Otaku Days...

So, what's in store for you?

Well, the journey to becoming an Otaku is an ardours one, but the end result is immensely rewarding. If you're not already an Otaku, it may be at times over stimulating, like you've taken the front seat on a rollercoaster, but don't worry, that seat's exactly where you want to be.
Otaku Days will be my front seat on that rollercoaster too, so in a way, we're in this together.

You can expect Anime/Manga/Game news here along with, Reviews, Fan Art/Fiction, Cosplay, Inspiring or Fun Pictures, Otaku Music, Otaku Cooking/Otaku Fan Cooking, Countdowns, Top Lists, Best Of, and The Day In The Life Of An Otaku.

If you don't know what some of them are, then don't worry, because a few of them are unique to this site only and I will explain, as the time comes, what each thing is.
There's no need to rush here. Just keep it cool and lazily let the river of Otaku take you to places you've never been before.

So, please make yourself at home, friend (for you are my honoured guest), and enjoy your stay at Otaku Days.

-- Otaku-sama


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